Sunday, May 17, 2020

Genetic Factors And Its Effects On The Silk Road - 763 Words

Prevalence of BD is higher in geographical areas along the Silk Road, covering the region from the Mediterranean through the Far East. Prevalence studies in Turkey revealed that the prevalence of BD varied between 20 and 421 per 100 000 in adults with a higher frequency detected in Anatolia compared to Europe [12]. BD is considered as both autoimmune disease and autoinflammatory disorder. It is thought that common environmental factors play a role in development of BD, however it is suggested that onset of disease occurs only in genetically predisposed individuals. Genetic factors have been scrutinized widely in BD. Familial aggregation studies in patients with BD suggest a strong genetic background and intricate inheritance model.†¦show more content†¦MIF is a pro-inflammatory cytokine reported to be related with the pathophysiology of several inflammatory reactions. MIF is largely expressed component of the immune system that is produced in response to various stimuli su ch as lipopolysaccharide (via toll-like receptor-4, TLR-4), pro-inflammatory cytokines including TNF-ÃŽ ± and INF-ÃŽ ³, and hypoxia [18]. MIF then up-regulates the expression of TLR-4, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and plays a role as a cofactor for the activation of T-cells. Research has shown that MIF levels are increased in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) [19], systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) [20], insulin resistance [21], and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) [22]. All these disorders are associated with persistent inflammation, it is crucial to search for elucidating the role of MIF in pathogenesis of the disease. Furthermore, an elevated MIF concentration was found in the serum and in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with multiple sclerosis and neuro-Behà §et [23]. Also, the mean MIF levels in the sera of the patients with Behà §et uveitis and iridocyclitis was found to be higher than those of healthy control subjects [24, 25]. Also, it was reported that the mean s erum level of MIF in patients with BD was higher in patients with BD than in healthy controls [26, 27]. Variants in promoter have an impact on the basal and/or inducedShow MoreRelatedThe Transformation Of Collective Learning898 Words   |  4 Pagesexchange and therefor increasing the ability for collective learning. The establishment of trade between these civilisations opened up more possibilities for the exchange of information and technology, one of these was the establishment of the Silk Road a network of trade routes linking the east Eurasia with the west. Theses series of trade routes linked most of the known world of the time and allowed new technologies and information to be shared more effectively. 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